Prospective Students
Please spend some time learning about us at the "About North Star" link before pursuing enrollment.
North Star enrollment is a multi-step process. It is dependent on openings and the determination that learning at home in collaboration with North Star is a good fit for your family.
We begin the enrollment process by gathering the necessary information to place your student on our interest list. If we have no openings, your student will be placed on a waiting list, which gives no guarantee of enrollment, or a timeline for enrollment. We evaluate openings on a rolling basis.
Steps to Enrollment
- Research our school and other MLO options by reviewing the homepage of the rest of our website, to see determine if our model seems to be a good fit.
- Complete the MLO INTEREST FORM 24-25 to provide contact information for us to move forward.
- Your family will receive an invitation to participate in an enrollment Interview and information gathering session. Depending on the timeframe, this may be done in small groups of families or individually.
- If enrollment is approved, families may begin completing the necessary paperwork and start investigating curriculum.
Next Steps and Paperwork: -
Complete DISTRICT Enrollment Paperwork:
Enrollment forms online
(For students new to the Mead School District.) Online Enrollment Form Link 24-25
(For students who live outside the Mead School District) CHOICE TRANSFER REQUEST AND 24-25 NON-RESIDENT APPLICATION found here LINK
Enrollment forms just for all North Star students linked below
Please read and go over with your children the information for new families on our webpage:
New Family Questions and Answers. This page addresses a variety of topics including
student expectations, dress code, the cell phone policy, and the process for drop off and pick up.
You will be asked to affirm that these conversations have happened with your students on the NS
family contract form below.
a. NS Family Contract Form 24-25 LINK
b. Letter to Instructors 24-25 LINK
c. School Care Form
When your student has been approved his/her information will be forwarded to our
electronic health information system, SchoolCare. You will receive an email from
SchoolCare (formerly CareDox) shortly thereafter, containing a link to your student's record.
Health information entry is a required step. Please follow that link and enter all appropriate
health and emergency contact details, designate at least one emergency contact who can
pick up your child and sign the SchoolCare medical authorization sections. -
RSVP and Attend a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) meeting where you will:
Choose your own district-approved, “research-based curriculum” based on your family goals and student needs to help your child achieve strong growth, taking the next step each day. .
Discuss how to Implement a flexible learning schedule to deliver instruction in a comfortable home environment.
Go over the need to evaluate coursework, provide feedback, reteach until mastery is achieved,
and provide individualized interventions as needed.
After these steps are completed, enrollment tasks will be complete, although the office will need time to complete their end of enrollment.
Request Clubs in August: Club schedule will be posted in early August.
(All the enrollment paperwork must be have been submitted.)
~Go online and look at the club schedule (posted in August).
~Pick a first, second and third choice for each hour that you would like your
child to be on campus.
Beginning of the year: Fill out the club request form that will be live on
Thursday August 22nd at 9am. The timestamp for that form will be part of the decision-making
process for enrolling students in clubs
After August Enrollment: Pick a first, second and third choice for each hour that you would like
your child to be on campus. Submit your selections to your mentor teacher. We will enroll your
child(ren) in clubs that are not full, according to their ranking, and provide you with a schedule. 5. Read New Family Questions and Answers--After clubs are selected, for K-5 students, create a
schedule tag for your child's backpack (explained in the link). Older students generally carry their
schedules in their backpacks.
6. Check your email weekly for the family updates to stay abreast of all the upcoming events and important information.