CLUB SCHEDULE CLUB DESCRIPTIONS Math/Writing Lab and Study Hall Expectations
Clubs which do not enroll at least 5 students will be cancelled. The schedule is very large and is best viewed online.
Please explore the clubs your student(s) might enjoy and check for any needs, expectations or prerequisites for clubs.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Common Questions
We are new to North Star this year. Are we supposed to sign up for 1 full day, or clubs or 2 full days, or partial days?
Each family selects from one to up to ten clubs, depending on the needs of their family. Some students come for only one club.
Others come for one full day and another half-day. Some students come for two full days.
Clubs enrich but do not replace the learning at home.
Every student needs to take at least one "cert club" (shaded as a blue square on the club schedule. This provides weekly contact.)