Five Mile Prairie school is a homeschool partnership program where families are supported as the primary educators. A certificated teacher provides a traditional classroom experience one day per week where students explore, grow, and nurture their lifelong love of learning. Along with the classroom experience, certified teachers mentor and support parents educators through curriculum choices and provide academic feedback in the content areas of English language arts, math and science. Students may also participate in a variety of enrichment clubs an additional day of the week. Success at FMP involves availability of the teaching parent to be at home to teach. If you are interested in enrollment, complete the MLO INTEREST FORM 24-25 to provide contact information for us to move forward.
Mission Statement
To ensure all students learn at high levels.
Vision Statement
If we are on mission, our policies, programs, and practices at Mead Learning Options reflect a commitment to help all students learn at high levels. Students do their coursework with integrity and earn satisfactory progress.
We operate under the authority of the State of Washington and the laws pursuant to an alternative learning experience (ALE, WAC 392-121-182). Five Mile is a school that takes its responsibility for helping students reach their learning goals and objectives very seriously.
If you have any questions about Mead Learning Options or the Five Mile Elementary Program, please call us a 509-465-7700. We look forward to working with you and your child.