Current Families Secondary
Welcome to Five Mile School! Below you'll find important information about our school, expectations and how to be successful as a Five Mile School student and family. Please contact our main office at 509-465-7730 if you have any questions.
Curriculum & Materials
When selecting curriculum, families can access our extensive library of materials in each subject area to personalize your student's educational goals. In addition, if you are not able to find what you are looking for there, you are able to order materials from approved curriculum vendors. However, as a public school, FMPE cannot purchase or supervise the use of any curriculum/materials that are faith-based.
We recognize that many families in our community use family time to access activities and materials that reflect their family's unique values and worldview. The school does not supervise nor comment on family time activities
Curricular materials acquired to support learning goals identified in the WSLP are categorized as returnable and nonreturnable. Returnable instructional materials retain their value and usability from year to year and are the property of Five Mile Prairie. Returnable instructional materials must be inventoried and marked as such at the time of acquisition. Returnable instructional materials must be returned to Five Mile Prairie within 14 days of a student’s withdrawal from the program (or when requested by Five Mile Prairie staff). Contact Five Mile Prairie staff with any questions regarding the definition of returnable instructional materials in advance of acquisition of materials. Please note that a parent or guardian MAY NOT “purchase” a returnable instructional material from the program. State law requires that such items remain the property of Five Mile Prairie until disposed of through a state-mandated surplus process. The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) reviews all instructional materials a teacher, parent or guardian use in support of the WSLP goals. The IMC ascertains instructional appropriateness, and in turn recommends books and materials to the district’s Superintendent and Board of Directors, who grant final approval for use in this program.
Lost or Damaged Materials
- Borrower is responsible for all assets checked out to their family. Parents or guardians are financially liable for materials borrowed by minors.
- All assets are understood to be exposed to normal wear and tear. Items returned showing damage considered beyond normal wear shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the borrower. The cost for repair or replacement will be charged to the parent or guardian by Five Mile Prairie.
- When possible, damaged books will be repaired in the library and remain in circulation. When necessary, they will be sent to a professional bindery.
- The borrower may be charged for any damage beyond warranty coverage, or the normal wear and tear that occurs through normal usage at the discretion of Five Mile Prairie. Materials lost or damaged beyond repair will be paid for by the borrower.
General Rules & Information
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Plagiarizing is defined as the committing of literary theft: presenting as a new and original idea or product derived from an existing source is a serious offense. Assignments and tests should be a student’s original work, except when the instructor has requested participation in a group project. Students will not submit work that is plagiarized or otherwise violates copyright laws of the United States of America. Teachers have the ability to search all written work for evidence of plagiarism. Because plagiarism is a crime, a violation will be dealt with as a disciplinary issue.
Food Items
Food items are not to be consumed during classroom instructional times except with the teacher’s permission. Students will be able to purchase cold lunches through the Mead School District lunch program. Please have your children bring food that is ready to eat for lunch. Microwaves or refrigerators will not be available at lunch time.
Be here every day, the exception is illness (fever, vomiting) or pre-arranged absence.
Dress Code
Modest school attire should guide your dress at school. Anything that disrupts the educational process will be handled with progressive discipline.
Progressive Discipline
Student behavior will be monitored at school: Each teacher will explain their classroom expectation to students on the first day of class. These classroom guidelines will help the students to be successful in classes. As a guideline, the principal has instructed his staff to follow these guidelines:
- 1st Infraction or Disruption: The staff will explain to the student why their behavior is a disruption to the educational process and warn them that further disruptions will generate a call home to enlist the help of parents to remedy the behavior.
- 2nd Infraction or Disruption: Call home to parents.
- 3rd Infraction: Removal to the principal. Parent contact will be made to schedule a conference and the student will be placed on a discipline contract. Student may be suspended from school.
Network Policy
Each student must sign a district Network policy use agreement before they are allowed access to any of the district’s technology. This agreement is part of the enrollment packet.
Family Mailboxes
Most correspondence from the office will be through your mailbox. Check it weekly. If you need help locating your mailbox or you do not have a box, please see the office staff for help.
Educational Field Trips
Parent Connection hosts several educational field trips during the year. These trips will include popular destinations such as museums, parks, area zoos, aquariums and others. Families are encouraged to recommend other destinations for consideration for field trips. School rules govern all field trips.
Only students who are enrolled in classes at Five Mile should be participating in classroom instructional times unless prior authorization (please allow one week notice) has been established. In the event younger siblings are on the premises during instructional times, they must be under the direct supervision of the parent. All visitors will check in at the office.
Cell Phones/ipods/MP 3 Players/Gaming Devices/Electronics
Many devices can be a disruption to the educational process. If a student is observed using any of these electronic devices inside the school building without teacher permission it will be considered a violation of school rules and will be confiscated. School issued chromebooks are brought to school daily. Issues with your chromebook can be addressed by Technology at 465-7777.
Lost and Found
Items will be kept in the health room. At the end of each semester unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
School Supply Lists
All students, grades K-12 will require the use of a district issued chromebook for the school year.
Grades 6 - 8 Students
Students should bring 1 large binder or 2 medium binders with them each week to organize individual class materials. The following lists are suggested additional materials by class:
Grade 6 Cohort
- Binder with four sections or 4 folders
- Lined paper
- Highlighters
- Pencils
- Colored pencils, colored pens and/or fine tip markers (Optional)
Math 7 & Math 8
Graph paper
Lined paper
Scientific calculator (strongly prefer TI-30 XIIS)
Science 7 & Science 8
Notebook paper (College rule)
1 pack of colored pencils (Optional - Nice to have for science)
Calculator (same one used for math is fine)
Scissors, glue and ruler for use at home on coursework
Headphones or earbuds (Optional)
English 7, English 8, Honors English
3x5 notecards (1 pack)
2 large packages of college-ruled notebook paper
Crayons or colored pens or pencils for class projects (Optional - Provided by school but nice to have your own)
Headphones or earbuds (Optional)
WA State/PNW History
Scissors, glue, notebook paper and ruler for use at home on coursework
Headphones or earbuds
8th grade US History
Scissors, glue, notebook paper and ruler for use at home on coursework
Headphones or earbuds
Grades 9 - 11 Students
Students should bring 1 large binder or 2 medium binders with them each week to organize class materials.
High School Math Classes
Pencil or erasable pen
Three different colored highlighters
Scientific calculator (strongly prefer TI-30 XIIS)
High School Science Classes
Colored Pencils
Scientific Calculator
3x5 notecards (1 pack)
College-ruled notebook paper
High School English Classes
3x5 notecards (1 pack)
One large package of college-ruled notebook paper (no spiral-bound notebooks)
Colored pens or pencils for class projects (Optional - Provided by school but nice to have your own)
High School History Classes
2 colors of pens (one for correcting)
Highlighters (at least 3 colors)
3x5 notecards (2 packs)
2 large packages of notebook paper (college-ruled)
Colored pens or pencils for class projects (Optional - Provided by school but nice to have your own)
Headphones or earbuds (Optional)
Parent Connection
The Parent Council is a group of parents who volunteer their time to coordinate Parent Connection meetings, fundraisers, field trips, and other activities in support of our school.
At Parent Connection meetings, you can:
- Stay current! These meetings act as an informational resource for parents, not only with current changes within the Mead School District, but also with ALE programs.
- Speak up! This is the place to communicate ideas and ask questions.
- Get involved! We encourage parent involvement in our school and want to utilize your many gifts and abilities!
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