About MLO
Comprised of a number of unique academic options for students, Mead Learning Options exists to help each student reach high levels of learning. Learn more below.
Letter From the Principal:
Hello and thank you for visiting Mead Learning Options! We are a strong school community that takes great pride in partnering with a child’s most important teacher to provide a rich and empowering learning environment for your child.
We are excited to work with families who chose to do some or all of their children’s education from home. We work closely with parents to provide quality educational opportunities and resources for those families. Our mission is to collaborate with parents to customize a child’s education in order to prepare students for life’s responsibilities, challenges and opportunities.
We actively partner with parents to provide a quality, academic challenging, safe, and supportive learning environment, while recognizing parental authority to the educational direction of their students. We are proud of our staff and their commitment to students to meet each individual child’s needs.
We operate under the authority of the State of Washington and the laws pursuant to an alternative learning experience (ALE, WAC 392-121-182). Each of our Mead Learning Options programs take our responsibility for helping students reach their learning goals and objectives very seriously.
Our Family Handbook is provided to you in an effort to answer some of your questions and provide information on the operation of our school. However, if you have additional questions or feel your questions were not fully answered please call us a 509-465-7700. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Nick Edwards, Principal
To express your interest in the program or begin the application process, please fill out the MLO INTEREST FORM 24-25.
Teacher's Assistant Application for Teens. If 9-12th grade students would like to serve as Teacher's Assistants in any program in MLO, they will need to fill out this linked TA APPLICATION FORM.
Mead Learning Options Counseling Center
Don't know which programs might be right for your family?
Check out the flyer below for a quick overview or visit our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
For more information or questions about the program, please email MLO@MEAD354.ORG
Are any of the MLO programs a "homeschool" program? (STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING)
Although many of our programs serve families who want to teach their children at home, MLO programs are not legally "homeschool programs" because they operate under a different set of laws. Each MLO program is a Mead School District Alternative Learning Program that has been designed to serve parents who want a different model of education. Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) programs are public education options where some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom schedule and we follow all public education requirements as well as chapter 392-121-182 WAC. On the other hand, homeschoolers provide home-based instruction and fall under a different set of laws including RCW 28A.200.011(1) RCW 28A.225.010(4)